Friday, February 25, 2011

Adventures In Babyland

This is my unsolicited review of Babyland cloth diapers.

I just finished my two week hitch of exclusive Babyland usage. They were used for nighttime, daytime, naps, and swimming. I used them on my 22 month old, and at night time my 5 year old daughter who is randomly making it through the night with out wetting!!! Yay!!

These were a online purchase from china. I had heard good reviews and wanted to try them for myself. I got them for a great deal, and I should have, almost 6 weeks for them to arrive, and the added bonus of my 20 dipes coming in two packages landed me with double duty!!

So the duty and wait time aside. The dipes looked great. I got half an order of print and half a order of solid.

These are the prints but I didn't order the new style with the second row of snaps.... read my Kawaii review to see why I'm averted to double rows!

Basic colors. The fabric is soft on the outside. It seems different the PUL I am use too.

So after two weeks here are the stats.

  • One night time leak on the five year old..... my fault, I only inserted one insert because she has being doing so well and was revolting against the bulk.
  • One baby night time leak.... she woke up for two bottles, and slept for almost 15 hours
  • No poop leak
  • No diaper rash 
  • No pressure marks from being to tight.
  • No stains from poops
  • No awful lingering dipe smell after I didn't wash for 5 days ( this is where i fell in love with babyland)
At the same time a friend of mine also ordered Babyland, and we were sharing FB messages about how much we love them.

The prints are a hit,  hello kitty is the all time favorite here.... We are a house full of girls. The rabbit one which is the cream colour print has snowflakes on it, and the green one has kitties skating, which my girls love... it is winter. I wonder though if we will use those prints in the summer.

These made cute swim diapers, my husby takes our girls swimming once a week and he said he got many questions about where we got her swim diaper. My husband a proud cloth diaperer in public, slightly reluctant at home...teehee, would always respond "oh they are cloth diapers, they make good swimmers."

This comment would always result in FB messages (we live in a small town) about where I bought them. I have since resold 4 of my stash to other moms who although don't cloth diaper do swim and hate to spend moula on the disposable swimmers.

The fit on these was almost always perfect and only once after a restless nap did we have noticeable wing droop. With two inserts the elastics stayed snug against the leg, keeping any nap messes contained!

Babyland will soon be available here at

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